This week I have collected my glass for my final pieces! I brought 3 large pieces for my largescale layered piece, also I brought a huge piece for an impressive focal point which is a metre by 30cm, very impressive!
I have begun etching said pieces, having today completed my first layer of my large piece!
Yesterday I finalised my plans concerning the displaying of my work in my final show. I have designed exactly how my floating mountings and 'shelfs' are best made. I decided using several pieces of wood to create the blocks would be simpler than ordering a router etc for the grooves.
I ordered my LEDs to fit the grooves, which will of course to be as precise as possible sizewise in comparison to the thickness of my glass. I decided on bright white LEDs to give the best effect and successfully illuminate my glass as planned. Iv have ordered 3mm LEDs for my smaller work, while my larger pieces will be lit using 7mm LED strips.